ICGC Praise Temple, Queens NY

Our theme for 2023 is GATHERING. This year’s theme is a direct sequel to last year’s theme of INCREASE. The foundation scripture of this year’s theme is 

John 6:12;

So when they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the fragments that remain, so that nothing is lost.”

Every year, during our period of fasting, prayer and spiritual emphasis known as 40 Days of Power our General Overseer, Dr Mensah Otabil spend time praying and seeking the face of the Lord for a theme for next year. This theme becomes the basis of church’s sermon, programmes, activities, and interventions.

The GO has mentioned that, the theme of Gathering came to him at the same time as he received the previous year’s theme of Increase. The themes are, therefore, based on the same scriptural passage: Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 – (John 6:10-13).


Gathering Declaration 2023

I proclaim Jesus Christ as my LORD And Saviour. 

The LORD is the shepherd of my soul. 

My Shelter by day
My light by night 

In His name we plough our fields 

By His Spirit we Gather the Harvest 

In His light we seek and find 

In this year of Gathering 

The LORD of the Harvest Has commanded, 
Launch out Into the deep

At His word We cast our nets 

We Gather in souls and substance for God’s Kingdom. 

The LORD is our Reward 

In this season I receive God’s portion set aside for me 

Full measure pressed down shaken together and running over 

Nothing is lost nothing is wasted 

In Jesus’ name

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